Working Culture - snssystem

Working Culture

We want you to act as a "Learning Bee" because at SNS System “excellence is not optional".

We do not have limitations on your advancement you can begin as a novice and become a Project Manager, CTO, or CEO in just a year’s time by exhibiting your potential and capability. We will find right place for you!

If you have the potential you could find yourself sitting in a board meeting the next day!!

Our Hierarchy
  1. Directors
  2. Project Manager
  3. Development Team
  4. Team Leader
  5. Team Members
  6. Graphics and Design Department
  7. Testing Group Software Testers QA Engineers.

Popup With "Hinge" Close Effect

Find this effect from RokCandy = [popup-hinge]

3D Flip Vertical

Find this effect from RokCandy = [popup-3d-flip-vertical]


Find this effect from RokCandy = [popup-zoom-in]


Find this effect from RokCandy = [popup-newspaper]

Horizontal Move

Find this effect from RokCandy = [popup-move-horizontal]

Move From Top

Find this effect from RokCandy = [popup-move-from-top]

3D Unfold

Find this effect from RokCandy = [popup-3d-unfold]

Zoom Out

Find this effect from RokCandy = [popup-zoom-out]

Just Me

Find this effect from RokCandy = [popup-just-me]

Mailing Address

{mosmap width='100%'|height='250'|lat='-6.194486'|lon='106.823072'|zoom='16'|mapType='Normal'|showMaptype='0'|tooltip='DWO'|marker='2'|align='right'}
  • Grand Indonesia Mall - MH. Thamrin Street No. 1 - Jakarta - Indonesia
  • Mon – Fri, 8am – 5pm

Main Numbers

  • +(65) 812 864 111 2
  • +(65) 217 008 2
  • +(65) 210 444 3